Volume 24, Issue 3


Investigative genetic genealogy is the emerging practice of combining DNA analysis with traditional genealogy research by utilizing DNA from direct-to-consumer companies, like GEDmatch, to identify suspects or victims of crime. Recently, this criminal investigatory technique was likely used in an active high-profile investigation to make an arrest. The national attention attained by the investigation combined


Cryptocurrency aims to democratize financial transactions. Through a digitized blockchain, cryptocurrency miners can “mine” currency with the rapid use of equations, which adds the cryptocurrency to the blockchain and financially rewards the miners. Proof-of-work mining, used for Bitcoin, the most prevalent cryptocurrency, consumes massive amounts of energy, and the total energy output of the cryptocurrency


The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) was passed in 1998 and has been the sole method by which children’s online privacy is regulated in the United States ever since. Until recently, efforts to strengthen children’s online privacy has either been slow-moving or failed altogether. However, California recently passed the Age-Appropriate Design Code Act, the


Cyberflashing is an emerging crime not yet widely recognized. As new technology provides perpetrators the guise of anonymity, regulators should consider using a broad definition of cyberflashing to encapsulate the increasing number of ways to flash victims with lewd images. This Article discusses the various approaches taken in the United States and internationally to address
