Volume 06


In its decision in Ashcroft v. ACLU, the Supreme Court held that the Attorney General had not convincingly rebutted the contention of plaintiff Internet content providers that filtering software was less restrictive and just as effective as the legislation Mr. Ashcroft sought to defend. The Supreme Court was correct to uphold the preliminary injunction against


We stand at the threshold of a major change in legal education. Recognizing the extent to which law students and lawyers alike rely on the Internet in both their professional and personal lives, the American Bar Association (“ABA”) has approved new standards for the J.D. curriculum which will greatly expand the opportunities for law students


Obviousness, or inventive step, has been called the ultimate bar to patentability. The purpose of the nonobviousness requirement is to complement the novelty requirement and to extend the scope of the relevant prior art beyond anticipatory prior art. This ensures that an invention constitutes a sufficient advance in technology to warrant an exclusive right. Adoption
